Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I am sitting on the train today and I am reading ZWNews and there is nothing good. It all just keeps getting worse. All around me are people who don't know or if they do don't give a toss what happens in Zimbabwe. I am suddenly filled with rage and despair all at once, because for all my caring what am I really doing? Am I not just the same as the people I ride train with every morning? When does the moment of obligation begin? I think of my kids and I am riddled with guilt, who will speak for them when the time comes?

Today the ANC released the following statement:

“It has always been and continues to be the view of our movement that the
challenges facing Zimbabwe can only be solved by the Zimbabweans themselves.
Nothing that has happened in the recent months has persuaded us to revise that

WTF? Pray tell, what more can we do? We rejected the tampered with constitution in 2000, we voted for MDC is record numbers in 2002, and did the same in 2005. This March we did the same and yet we continue to suffer for our troubles. What do we do next? Take to the streets? Kill?

Here lies my moment of one is coming to our aid y'all! Tis time to shit or get off the pot. I am going home in December....Irrational as it may seem I refuse to die in this country. I belong in Zimbabwe, ndirimwanawevhu. When the very people who terrorise us today decided to combat injustice they did when the last straw laid it's final blow and I think this is it now.


Friday, June 6, 2008

What Crisis?

This picture was in my inbox this morning and just when I was lambasting South Africa (Thabo Mbeki) for inaction in Zimbabwe. One would have thought the xenophobic attacks against immigrants that began last month in South Africa would have made this man open his eyes and take action but no, instead the Mbeki-led regime in South Africa has chosen to condemn Zimbabweans to death. We will never forget this Baba Mbeki asizoze sikukhohlwe! Infact all you African leaders take heed. Robert Mugabe will not live forever and when he dies the murders and deaths that will continue to occur Zimbabwe will be on your hands. The hunger you continue to foster and nurture will be at you doorstep. The ruthless morally void Zimbabwean youth will be your worst nightmare.

How can you be so comfortable with have this mess in your backyards? Sure you benefit now from Zimbabwe's evicted white farmers and the brain drain but there are only a few of those...what happens when the 16 year old who has stopped going to school and has no skills comes to your door begging for food? Only he shan't be 16 anymore will he? No, he will be a sad, hungry, disappointed and bitter young man. What then will you tell him? Is your hatred for white western powers so entrenched that you really cannot see that there is no more a western sponsored neo-imperial scheme being waged against Zimbabwe as there is one in your own countries. Neo-imperialism is everywhere Zimbabwe is as much a victim of it as any part of the Global South and really has no place in the immediate Zimbabwean crisis.

Robert Mugabe was stealing and in bed with the so-called neo-imperialists for years. Still is, because all of his subsidiaries are still making money in Zimbabwe. While the rest of you African leaders are now forced to be transparent and actualy do the right thing as public servants, Robert Mugabe is laughing all the way to the bank. You are all of the younger generation....Tsvangirai's peers and Mugabe is the last of the dinosaurs; you all know what the consequences of a dictator and mismanagement are, yet you continue to allow Mugabe to torture the people of Zimbabwe and perpetuate the stereotype of African incompetence.

We claim in Africa that the west bullies us and we have no sense of autonomy, well here is a situation in which the west is being meddlesome in a constructive way and we have the opportunity to exercise this autonomy and what do we do? Dig our heals and go back on our words. Levy Mwanawasa you coward! As the head of SADC you should by-pass South Africa and stick to your guns when criticising Zimbabwe. We lose legitimacy if we cannot challenge each other when we fail.
Zimbabweans cannot do this alone. Modakuti tidii? Tife here? I am not suggesting that you interevene physically, the spirit of resistance in Zimbabwe is there, we just need to know that we are not alone in this.

This is some fucked up bull shit right here.

There is no crisis indeed. You will live to regret those words...all of you.