Sunday, April 12, 2009


Why did they accept the Mercs? WHY?? And then the one WHITE guy is the only one with the sense to do the right thing....WHY??? I know it's probably not appropriate to say this but shit I really believe that you cannot let a poor man become a politician....Can you really blame those MDC sods for taking the cars? No, not really. Think about it...some of these MDC cats have been in this struggle for 10 years, making absolutely no money. Many of them live in really modest accommodation and have never owned mudziyo wakaita seBenz. So for a brief moment they will be excused....BUT they should have just touched the Benz and whispered "Some day...." and turned them down.
How does this look to the people whose lives continue to suck ass even though MDC is in office? MDC needs popular support right now. They need to be looking at the Diaspora and asking people to go back. This is such a critical time I can't believe they would even risk accepting those cars. But they did so now what?? ZANU PF is carrying on unchecked. Chamisa just lost his ministry and no one seems to care. Oh Biti...poor Biti...He is the only one I have repect for really, he and Coltart. The rest are tired and hungry and they are looking for comfort. They are Hyenas and Vultures feeding on a carcass. ZANU has drained Zimbabwe of life and the MDC are expected to resusitate a carcass?
All MDC members now in the cabinet who went into existing portfolios are shocked to discover the depth of disintegration. There is almost nothing left in the social services ministries which the MDC has taken on.
These guys haven't got a shot if they don't reach out to non-conventional resources. The western governments are not going to fund this puppy while Mugabe is in office. It goes against everything their democracies stand for. Diaspora. Zimbabwe is wealthy n terms of human capital. MDC has to figure out a way to harness that shit.

"It's our country too"!!! We Zimbabweans in the Diaspora have to think about Zimbabwe in these terms. It's our country too! We are obligated to go back when and where we can. Mugabe cannot live forever, and the generals have little left to steal. We just need to shore up and wait. A better day is coming but we can't expect the MDC with the little resources they have to do this by themselves and we cannot relax our expectations for accountability. The MDC are public servants they need to be accountable for the actions they take and the decisions they make. Someone needs to ask WHY?? and we should get the answers.

There is time to give the Merc's back...................